Your Creativity + agastya's Diligence = Magic🪄

let agastya take care of the mundane
so you can focus on bringing joy in the class

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Our vision for educators

Brainstorming, Planning, Preparing, Facilitating, Reflecting, Documenting, Communicating to parents, and cycling back to Brainstorming. That's 7 things educators have to do everyday. They have to do this while constantly learning and skilling themselves. It requires immense context switching and is impossible to do at high quality, consistently throughout the year.

The most important part of this cycle is being with children, in the class, nurturing responsive relationships. That can never be taken away from an educator. But technology can help simplify everything else while it makes their classroom practice deeper. Read on.

Let's explore how agastya helps you!



Imagine Dr. Montessori brainstorming with your team on your unit plan while an assistant meticulously takes notes. That is how it feels to brainstorm with Agastya.



Tools to convert ideas into actionable and shareable plans.



AI written notes to help you prepare, so every class can be your best class!


Facilitate Class

Agastya helps you bridge gap between training and classroom practice.

It pre-empts opportunities and challenges, shares reseach-aligned practices, in context, to enable you to create the class of your dreams.



What went right? What could be better?

Reflect with Agastya to constantly level up your practice.



Store media evidence, write anecdotal notes, mark checklists and rubrics or document beautiful learning stories.

Whatever be your preferred style, Agastya helps you Make Learning Visible.



Attendance, announcements, holidays, chat and whatnot. Tools to nurture an informed parent community.



A personal mentor for every educator.


Explore how agastya helps you brainstorm

Turn thoughts into ideas with Agastya

Share a topic, material, goal, challenge or inquiry with Agastya and we help you brainstorm all possible strands of inquiry and exploration.

Share a topic or a challenge and begin thinking with Agastya.

Explore how agastya helps you plan

From an idea to a plan-of-action

Take your idea and turn it into a unit. Align it to your curriculum and add it to your calendar seamlessly.

You follow the NCF, EYFS, EYLF or something else? We got you covered. One click and we pull the outcome from your framework.

Explore how agastya helps you prepare

Make every class your best class yet

Sharpen your axe with preparation notes from Agastya. It shares Materials Required, Precautions, Class Setting Guidelines, Directions and so much more.

No last minute fuss over forgetting a material.

Explore how agastya helps you facilitate

The bridge between Training and Practice

Agastya pre-empts opportunities and challenges to enable you to nurture joy in every situation. Adds meanigful context to your training to elevate your practice.

A life saver for new educators. It anticipates challenges and suggests solutions.

Explore how agastya helps you reflect

A place to braindump post class thoughts

Let AI join in on your debriefs, so it can organise your braindump into actionable items and useful insights.

So that you keep learning from experiences.

Explore how agastya helps you document

Tools to make learning visible

Store media evidence, write anecdotal notes, mark Checklists and rubrics or document beautiful learning stories.

No more spending hours tagging faces in photos and videos.

Explore how agastya helps you communicate

Tools to nurture an informed parent community

Manage your attendace, holidays, excusals, announcements, chats an so much more. Nurture your community.

Send daily journals to parents with photos and videos of their child's day.

Explore how agastya helps you grow

A personal mentor for every teacher

Access the wisdom of Early Childhood Stalwarts from Piaget to Vygotsky, in context with actionable ideas.

Everyone needs a mentor. Agastya is yours.

Our core values around AI for educators

Empower, not enslave

Agastya's AI is designed to make you think deeper and more intentionally. It never directly gives you an answer, it always 'thinks out loud' with you. When designing Agastya, we often heard - “Won't educators stop thinking.” It was then that 'Empower, not enslave' became our north star.

Simplify workflow,
deepen work

Automations, AI, and UI innovations immensely simplify an educators work flow and save over 2 hours a day. That is one extra day per week. Saved time helps them deepen their work in the classroom.

Innovate UI, leverage AI

Super powers are useful only if you can use it where you need it, whenever you need it. Be it deeply integrated context, alignment to philosophy and curriculum, or long-term memory, we've ensured that Agastya's AI is not just a tool, but a natural extension of the educator's intent and capability.